Rali Art | Uncategorized


Let It Go – art installation

05 May 2014, Posted by Ralitsa Ivanova in Uncategorized

It has always fascinated me how much we hold on to our emotions and thoughts. How we tend to sabotage ourselves in order to stay where we are and not move on, even if that would cause us to be unhappy. In fact sometimes we’ll…

Trapped Emotions

04 Mar 2014, Posted by Ralitsa Ivanova in Uncategorized

“Trapped Emotions” art installation is inspired by the idea that we often hold on to emotions/things/thoughts that we feel we should let go of, but for reasons we often can’t explain, we simply don’t. We feel like the emotions are trapped within us, and we…

YOU – Moscow

02 Dec 2013, Posted by Ralitsa Ivanova in Uncategorized

The interactive art installation “YOU” carries over the idea of “You Are The Key” art piece, and it was built by “The Cradle of Mir” team in Moscow exclusively for Burning Man Russia, 2013.

Burning thoughts

30 Sep 2013, Posted by Ralitsa Ivanova in Uncategorized

When I went to Burning Man for the first time in 2011 I wasn’t looking for anything, and I found everything I’ve always wanted – myself. This year the same happened again. In a different shape and form, with different colors and voices, and yet…

The Building of the Key

23 Sep 2013, Posted by Ralitsa Ivanova in Uncategorized

YOU ARE THE KEY is an interactive art installation on which approximately 2000 letters are forming out the questions: “What are you looking for?”, “What are you waiting for?”, “What stops you?” etc. As an answer to all the questions, the part of the key…